Emergency dentist offices typically include the following services:

Root canals

A root canal is a simple treatment our dentists can use to repair and save a tooth that is infected or becomes decayed. During this procedure, the pulp and nerve are removed so the inside of the tooth can be cleaned and sealed. This prevents further damage to the teeth.

Emergency teeth extractions

An emergency tooth extraction is when our dentist pulls a tooth. This can happen when the tooth is too damaged or decayed to be saved when the tooth is impacted, resulting in overcrowding of other teeth, facial trauma, and an advanced infection.


Dental bonding is a procedure our dentists can use by applying a tooth-colored resin material to the tooth. The dentist will then use a special light, which can bond that material to the tooth. When done well, the bonding will help restore or improve the smile by making the tooth look more natural.


Dental braces are appliances that your orthodontist can install on the teeth to correct misaligned or crowded jaws or teeth. Many patients who need dental braces will get them in their younger years, though some adults may benefit from wearing them. The goal of these braces is to align the jaws and teeth to give a pleasing smile and even bite.


A dental bridge is considered a denture that is used to replace one or more teeth. They are supported by your natural teeth, by a dental implant, or even a combination of both. The dentist can create a bridge by making crowns for the teeth on either side of the missing tooth.

Wisdom teeth extraction

Wisdom teeth extraction is a procedure our dentists will use to take out your wisdom teeth. Wisdom teeth often cause overcrowding and pain in the mouth. When the dentist extracts them, the other teeth in the mouth will have more room to move around.


Dental implants are replacement roots for your teeth. They are made out of titanium to provide a strong foundation for your fixed or removable replacement teeth. Our dentists can design them to match your natural teeth.

Crown treatments

Our dentists may choose to use a crown when your tooth has a large cavity or infection that threatens the health of that tooth. Often, the crown will be bonded to the tooth with special dental cement. Crowns can be made out of different materials, but often are done to make the teeth look natural.

Dentures measurements and repairs

Dentures can help improve the look of your smile. Dentures can be measured and fitted to fit comfortably in your mouth. Our dentists can also provide any repairs necessary if the dentures do break or fall apart.

Routine cleaning

Visiting our dental clinic for routine teeth cleaning is important for the health of your teeth. These routine cleanings should be done once every six months unless your dentist recommends visiting more often. During a routine cleaning, the dentist will clean your teeth and check for any dental issues.

Repair of broken teeth

Broken teeth can impact your whole mouth and ruin your smile. Our dentists can help repair the broken teeth or provide replacements, depending on the severity of the damage. Bonding is a popular option to repair the broken tooth, letting you maintain much of the original tooth and repairing your natural smile.

Swollen jaw issues

When your jaw begins to swell, it could be an indication of a serious health condition that needs prompt attention by a dentist. It could happen due to a viral infection, trauma or injury, or swollen glands. Our dentist can take a look at the swollen jaw and come up with the best course of action to get your oral health back in shape.

Dental exams

Regular dental exams are an important part of your oral health. During this exam, our dentist will clean the teeth, check for gum disease and cavities, and do x-rays as necessary. The dentist can determine if there are already oral health issues or if you have a risk of developing these in the future and can come up with a plan for you.

Tooth x-rays

While completing a dental exam, our dentist may decide to perform a tooth x-ray. These x-rays provide an image of your mouth and teeth for the dentist to look at. This helps our dentist to see whether there are cavities or other issues within your mouth.


Our dentists may discuss using a filling with you. Fillings are used to help repair broken and cracked teeth, or teeth that are worn down from teeth grinding or nail-biting. The dentist can use different materials including ceramic, gold, composite, and amalgam depending on where the filling must be placed.


Our dentists can provide several repairs to your teeth to keep them sharp and looking nice. Repairing your teeth can be done with dentures, fillings, bonding, and a root canal to improve the appearance of your teeth.

Gum Surgery

Gingivoplasty or gum surgery is used to help reshape the healthy gum tissue found around the teeth. This is done to make the gum tissue stronger and provides a more appealing look to the mouth. If you are suffering from tooth recession, this surgery can be helpful.

Oral Cancer Exams

Oral cancer exams are performed by our dentist to help check for any signs of oral cancer. The gums, teeth, and other parts of the mouth will be thoroughly checked to see whether cancer may be an issue.

Teeth Whitening

Teeth whitening is performed in-office in all of our dental locations to rub away stains that naturally occur on the teeth due to what you eat and drink. Teeth whitening in a dentist's office is safer and more effective than completing the same procedure at home.


Dental veneers are simply thin pieces of resin or porcelain that are placed over the teeth to provide a more natural appearance to the teeth. Our dentists can permanently bond the veneers to the front of the teeth to make them look nice.


Sealants are a small coating that our dentists can apply to your permanent teeth, especially to the premolars or molars. They are often used to help prevent cavities in the back teeth, which are difficult to clean properly

Looking for a service that is not on this list? Chances are, we can help!

Call 24/7 at (866) 503-2669 so that we can help connect you to an emergency dentist office in your area.

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